Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Time Has Come!

John 14:27 (NLT)
“I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.”
John 16:33 (NLT)
I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”
There’s something powerful about the unquestionable peace that comes with knowing you are exactly where God wants you to be.
Well folks, we have a plan and a surgery date.
I will be having surgery on April 7th at 7:30am at a hospital in Addison.
They will at the very least, place a titanium plate in my head (or use surgical cement if possible) to protect the area of my fracture.  My brain actually bulge’s from this fractured area and if they can safely separate my brain from my skull and repair that, they will do that, and then put the plate in.
This in no way guarantees that I will stop having migraines according to my surgeon, but I have always believed that God was going to heal me through this surgery.
I stand firm on that promise now.
This will most definitely take some pressure off of my brain which will in effect, hopefully stop trigging migraines. 
I believe that it will.
Some questions I’ve been asked over the last couple of days:
·        Will you have to shave your head?  Part of it, yes, the left side- mostly.  I am having a small head shaving party with some of my close friends- might as well have some fun with it!  There will be plenty of pictures (because my ‘friends’ won’t be able to resist, I’m sure!) and be looking for me to do something funky with my hair. J
·        How long will you be in the hospital?  That really depends on exactly what they’re able to do while they’re in there.  If they’re able to safely repair my brain (insert snicker here) I’ll be in the hospital for about 4 days, a couple in ICU.  If they’re not and they’re only able to put a plate in, I should be in ICU the first night and then a regular room and then home the next day!  Amazing!  I’m not accounting for any mishaps because there won’t be any.
·        How long will you be ‘down’? That’s going to be a little tricky.  It will most definitely depend on how detailed the surgery is and what they’re able to do.  Most definitely not full activity for 6 weeks once I come home; 2-3 weeks before I can return to work, light duty.  It will really depend on how I feel and well I’m doing.  I’m going to recover really well so I look forward to being back at work soon.
·        Will you need round the clock care?  When I get home, I will have someone with me the first week pretty much all the time (for someone as independent as I am, this will be fun, I’m sure!) just to help me out.  After that, for the next 2 weeks (or whenever I go back to work) I can have some time by myself.  Because I will be so tired from the surgery, I will need help with meals and general house cleaning, and it would be nice to have some company to just visit.
·        How can I help?  I am so humbled by this question to be honest.  I’ve never had a major surgery like this where I wasn’t able to take care of myself within a day or two so this part is a little overwhelming.  Fortunately, I have amazing friends that have just taken care of this for me. There are two websites that have been set up for me.  One for meals, the other for visitors (those who also want to help me keep my house clean, do laundry, dishes, etc. when I can’t do those things myself).
You can go online and sign up for whatever area you want to help me with.  It’s all appreciated.
Here’s the meal calendar:
 Other needs calendar:
Calendar ID: 177894C
Security Code: 1577
Click on ‘Show Calendar’ and choose what need you would like to fill.
As with any recovery, I’m sure that I will have great days and some not-so-good days, that’s only natural, so I’m asking that you please shoot me a text before you come over with meals or for anything else.  It would be easier on me and my caretakers if we didn’t have any ‘surprise’ visitors without some notification first.
I have an amazing friend, Alicia Hill (no relation) that is helping me with all of this.  She is actually going to act as my primary contact for my recovery.  If you have general questions about what I need or just want to know how I’m doing that day, she’s the person to contact.
Please email her at:
One last question:
·        How are you doing?  I’m okay, at best some days.  I’m in a great deal of pain all of the time and because I can’t take anything before surgery, I’m struggling.  My neurologist is calling in something for pain for in the meantime but I won’t be able to take it during the day.  In this aspect, I’m grateful the surgery is just a few days away.  Sometimes the pain is just overwhelming so please pray that I will have relief as I wait.  Otherwise, I’m more than ready to do this and get better!
I am so pleasantly overwhelmed with the amount of people that want to help me through this.  Your help is welcomed and so appreciated.  Your prayers for a painless and quick recovery are most coveted.
I am so grateful for the tremendous peace that I’m experiencing.  I may be feeling a little overwhelmed with all the things that I think need to be done before I have surgery, but really, I have no anxiety.  I’m a planner at heart so my head is reeling with trying to get everything done so quickly.  I am also realistic in knowing that what gets done will be done and what doesn’t, well, it won’t stop the world from turning.
I look forward to watching the Father really show off during this time and I will do my best to keep you all updated on how I’m doing as I recover.

I know that God is going to really reveal Himself in new and powerful ways throughout this process, He’s already made it abundantly clear that He has this, He’s gone before me and prepared the way.
Blessin’s Y’all!

Pamela can be reached at

Please visit our website at

Want to catch up on what’s going on with my head?  Here are the links to previous blog posts!  Thank you for reading!

I Like Big Brains & I Cannot Lie, Part I
I Like Big Brains & I Cannot Lie Part II
Here's the Latest on my Crack-ed Head
I'm Buckin' Up
Blessin’s Y’all!


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