Monday, December 16, 2013

It's Christmas Y'all...

Christmas time has to be one of my most favorite holidays ever, just after Thanksgiving.

Homes get all decked out in their finest decorations, people get sentimental over special ornaments, and ordinary places get a little bit cozier than usual.

I love decorating my tree- it stands as a ‘trophy’ of my Christmas-y abilities and I proudly display it for all to see.  My second pride and joy is my village that my mom adds to every year. 

I love to see the unique kindness and gentleness that we tend to show each other during this time of year.  Society deems this as the season of giving.

There’s some truth to that.  This is the season of giving- it’s when the ultimate gift was given to the world.  Jesus.

Let’s talk about Christmas Carols for a minute- most of us know them all, and probably a few of us know all the verses to our favorites.  Have we ever taken the time to really listen to the lyrics?  I mean, like, really think about what they’re really saying?

“Hark the Harold Angels Sing” is one that comes to mind immediately- it literally talks about how the angels in Heaven rejoiced at the birth of the King.

“Silent Night” speaks of the humbleness that the King of the world was born into.

“Little Drummer Boy” talks about a young boy who has come to see the King of Kings the only thing of real value that he possesses, his raw talent.  This young man recognizes that this is no ordinary baby, the humble position that he finds himself in, and desperately wants to show his adoration in the best way that he knows how.

I’ll be honest, until the other day when I saw the video posted below, I never gave much thought to that song and it wasn’t one of my favorites.  I see it differently now and it speaks powerfully to me.

Christmas is a difficult season for me now that I’m divorced and find myself without a family of my own.  I usually get pretty depressed and tend to dwell on the thoughts of how things ‘used to be’ when I was married.  We, (my ex-husband and his girls) would spend hours decorating our beautiful tree and watching Shrek  and listening to the Shrek Christmas CD and laughing and all getting along.  It was so precious to me.  Up until I left, we did it every year and I treasured that time together.

Now, I put my tree up myself and it’s just not the same.  There’s a certain amount of emptiness that comes with doing that.  Even if I have help, it’s an emptiness that only a family of my own can fulfill.

So, that being said, this year I asked the Father to help me by giving me a different outlook, help me to see this holiday in a different way.  I’m so grateful I did.

I heard “The Little Drummer Boy” in a new way and it spawned the whole Christmas Carol thought process.  It took me back to that miraculous night, where my Savior was brought into this world to a young woman who found favor with the God of the Universe.

You see, there were people that God sent angelic messengers to that believed this was the Messiah, knew that this was the Savior and Redeemer that was sent to save the World.

Wise men, royalty, shepherds, came to bring a baby- the King of Kings, their most treasured belongings as gifts, and bow before Him.  See, they knew He wasn’t just a baby, I firmly believe they recognized exactly who He was.

Can you imagine going before the One who was promised to save the world?  To save you?  To be close enough to Him that you could see the fleshy tones in His skin, to see Him smile for the first time?  Can you imagine what it was like to literally kneel before the One who would change the course of history forever?  Can you imagine?

I challenge you as you decorate your homes, cook that magnificent Christmas feast, snuggle in on snowy/icy days with your loved ones (even if those loved ones are furry), and send out Christmas cards to those you love; to ask the Father to help you really see this holiday for what He intended it to be.  Ask Him to reveal just a little more of His heart to you.  My prayer for you is that you’ll be as pleasantly surprised as I was when I asked.

I pray that you’re blessed beyond measure this holiday season and that you are blessed with new revelation of just how much the God of the Universe loves you; after all, He did send His most treasured gift to you, because He delighted in you, even before the foundations of the earth were laid.

From my heart to yours, Merry Christmas!!
Blessin’s Y’all!


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