Tuesday, July 10, 2012

A Little Condemnation (Ahem, I Mean, Awareness) Never Hurt Anybody, Right??

We’ve all seen and heard of a great deal of posts on facebook regarding Christians and the movie Magic Mike, and reading fictional erotica like the Fifty Shades of Grey series.  This is a very controversial topic of conversation, especially in the Christian world.

**Let me clarify here that I will not say one way or another that seeing movies like this or reading books of this nature is right or wrong.** 

I will say that I do have mixed emotions and views on this topic.  I’ve read a few articles and seen these posts and one word comes to mind every time I’m broached with this topic… condemnation.  Even from the several that started out their posts with “I’m not condemning anyone, however…”  To me, that’s a big, red flag that tells me there could be condemnation afoot.

I’ll be transparent enough to say that I’ve seen Magic Mike and I’ve read fictional erotica (gasp!). 

I have a strong belief that one person’s convictions may not be another’s and that it is not my place to tell you what you should or shouldn’t feel convicted of.  The Holy Spirit is the authority on that and He’s much more knowledgeable of your heart than I.  I’m also of the profound belief that not everything you do is my business.  Sometimes we just take on more responsibility for others’ actions than is necessary.

I will admit this, I did not feel convicted about seeing Magic Mike or reading any fictional erotica.  This is not my conviction where it might be someone else’s. However, I’m also not encouraging that others run out and buy the series and go see the movie.  I’m just being transparent here because I know there are other believers out there that can relate to me.

I know that many Christians have posted that we are letting pornography (sin) and lust (sin) into our lives by allowing such books and movies to be viewed, however, let’s take into considerations 3 questions: 

When we offer our Godly advice and warnings to other believers, are we pushing our own convictions onto them and therefore causing them to feel condemned?  

Are we offering yet another opportunity for the world see judgment and legalism rather than love and grace? 

Can we not pray for our brothers and sisters to hear from the Holy Spirit for themselves?

I can guarantee that the Holy Spirit is much more capable of speaking to their hearts and minds than we can.  See, when we allow the Holy Spirit to do His job, He will speak to us in a loving and accepting way, which will only deepen intimacy with the Father.  He jumps at the opportunity to encourage that!

I remember when Harry Potter hit the scene and there was a huge controversy in our church (as well as many others) as to whether or not it was promoting witchcraft (also sin) to our children.  The Word says that not one sin is greater than another.  I just don’t see how this is any different. 

I know in my own walk there have been times that I’ve pushed my convictions on others with such gusto that it produced condemnation when my intentions were really good.  I just wanted to keep others from falling into the same pitfalls and suffering the same consequences that I had.  It was for their own good to learn from my mistakes where they could, right?  The truth is our priority should always be to point others to the Father first.  We should always advise others to seek the Holy Spirit and His wisdom above our own.  If they still want our opinion after doing that, then by all means, after seeking the Holy Spirit first ourselves, give your opinion.  Too often, I’ve found myself speaking first and then asking the Holy Spirit for His ‘permission’.  I guess I tend to be backwards in that way.  I bet no one else has ever done that…

We must always go back to God’s Word.  I believe that seeking the Holy Spirit sincerely and diligently goes hand in hand with God’s Word.  Let me encourage Christians to do this before we post, comment, or advise others on these particular comments.  Then again, shouldn’t we be doing this on all advisement?

Christians who are intimate with the Father should automatically seek the Holy Spirit sincerely before participating in such activities like the books they read or the movies they see.

This is my plea: Believers, please seek wisdom and discernment before posting your advisement to other believers to be sure that you are really not condemning them, but aiding them in seeking the Holy Spirit for themselves. 

Giving Godly counsel, not our own opinions, is imperative so let’s be sure that we are encouraging each other to seek the Father’s heart for us.  That is what will make all the difference in our behaviors and actions.

Here's my scriptures...
Romans 5:16-17 (NLT)
And the result of God’s gracious gift is very different from the result of that one man’s sin. For Adam’s sin led to condemnation, but God’s free gift leads to our being made right with God, even though we are guilty of many sins.
Romans 8:1 (NLT)
So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.
Proverbs 18:21 (NLT)
21 The tongue can bring death or life;
those who love to talk will reap the consequences.
Matthew 5:28 (NLT)
28 But I say, anyone who even looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
1 Thessalonians 4:3-5 (NLT)
3 God’s will is for you to be holy, so stay away from all sexual sin. 4 Then each of you will control his own body[a] and live in holiness and honor— 5 not in lustful passion like the pagans who do not know God and his ways.

1 Corinthians 6:18 (NLT)
18 Run from sexual sin! No other sin so clearly affects the body as this one does. For sexual immorality is a sin against your own body.


  1. If something is wrong its wrong. I have the right to call a spade a spade. Its sexual sin. Its lustful. The Bible calls this a sin. Yes we have Grace, but that is not there to be abused. As Christians we know these types of things are wrong and lead to other temptations. Do you think these types of media are of God? Or more likely of the enemy who is always trying to lead us astray and convince us that sinfulness is "really ok, I mean everyone else is doing it.. we shouldn't have to feel guilty right?"
    The things you've discussed in this blog entry are nothing more than soft porn, and sinful. As Christians we love the sinner, but condemn the sin. We love the individual but still must say when something is sinful. This is a sin. Sorry, but I have to say I think you are wrong on this.

  2. Thank you for commenting!
    So, let me ask you, you think it's wrong to point people to the Word and to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I fear that I've not made my point in that I'm not actually discussing the movie or the books, I'm conveying how believers need to advise others. Many do it out of condemnation and not love and certainly not under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
    I've ready many posts that I knew immediately were of the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and a few that I knew weren't.
    My only push here was to always be sure we're pointing folks to the Father. Christians tend to use legalism and their 'religious/pharasitical' beliefs to 'guide' others into their way of thinking. If we lead others to the Father, He will speak to their hearts and minds.
    Please understand this the topic of discussion here is not about pornography or even sin itself, but about the way we actually talk to people. Why would a non-believer want to come to Jesus if we are constantly condemning everything they do? Even after they've given their hearts to the Father?

    1. I struggle with these things daily, I'm sure as all of us as Christians do, trying to know what is right and what is in the will of God. So I don't know.. I don't have the answers. I don't believe we should condemn people, but yet isn't it our responsibility as Christians to lead our brothers and sisters so that they stay on the path? I just happened to come across this verse tonight though while reading my Bible. James 5:19-20 "My brothers, if one of your should wander from the truth and someone should bring him back, remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of his way will save him from death and cover over a multitude of sins"
      I personally see where it could be damaging and have felt angry myself at feeling condemned, especially before I came to know Christ, so I see your point. But didn't Jesus tell sinners to turn away from their sins and come to faith in Him? Like I said, I don't know any more than you do, its complex. You want to show love to draw people in, and we should show love, but I guess maybe love with discipline? Sort of like parents guiding their children with love, but yet also teaching right from wrong? Kind of trying to figure it out the same as you. Thanks for posting on it.

  3. I am so impressed with your blog. Very few Christians I have meet have such an open mind.

    My personal background is the study of religion, and an understanding of who God really is, and what He truly stands for. We as Christians do a lot of judging and not a lot of loving.

    I'm going to throw my two cents in with the discipline side of things. Look at the words of Jesus, not the words through out - disciple is not judgmental/punishment - it comes from the Hebrew word 'Yasar' - meaning instruction, also implying that we are all imperfect. Also, if we want to instruct our friends on being godly women. We can look to the verse in Titus 2:4 'that they may train the young women to love their husbands, to love their children.'

    The teaching of the love of husbands is actually very interesting word in the Greek. The word for love that is used is actually 'philandros', and means understanding the sexual relationship between a husband and wife. Strong's reference is actually stated 'the special affection of a woman for her life-time mate'

    I honestly believe that if we as Christians are open about an intimate relationship with our spouse (still stating with tact), then books and movies, and other things like a bachelorette party, is not going to be something we are ashamed of. God has told us that sin shames us. If we allow sin to shame us then we have given Satan the control for us to be judgmental, angry, and even embarrassed.

    What if Christian books did talk honestly about sexuality in relationships, would we shy away, or would we embrace the books, movies, etc, or would we see it as something that is just basically sinful?

    I don't know I don't have the answer, I do think that Pamela's honesty about how we talk, love, and be around people is how we need to be in our own lives when it comes to books, movies, tv...everything that we do.

    I once again appreciate how Pamela is being real about what others are seeing and sensing the 'American' church today.

    I personally have read the reports on all kinds of different movies, from 'The Robe' to 'The Twilight Saga' to 'Magic Mike', and have come back with the same thoughts. Some may be good in the theater while others may be worth waiting and paying 99cents at RedBox.

    I too have read books that some might have thought to be questionable, at the same time it goes to 'Am I strong enough in my relationship with Christ?' that I can see fiction for fiction, and drama for drama. Nothing more nothing less. I do believe it is each person's individual choice. Acting out upon something that you either read or see may be going to far. Once again that is my personal belief.
