Saturday, May 24, 2014

Back to Work!!

  Psalm 34:4-7 (NLT)
I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me.
He freed me from all my fears.
Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy;
no shadow of shame will darken their faces.
In my desperation I prayed, and the Lord listened;
he saved me from all my troubles.
For the angel of the Lord is a guard;
he surrounds and defends all who fear him.

April 15th 8 days post surgery!
Wow.  I can’t believe how long it’s been since I last updated, and I apologize for that.
Where do I even begin?!
Let’s start off with the really, really, really important news: I AM HEALED!!!!!
God promised to heal me through brain surgery and He most definitely did.
I continue to shock and awe my surgeon and neurologist because of how amazing I’m doing.
I have no more headaches, definitely no more migraines and they can’t really explain it.
It’s opened amazing doors to share just how awesome my God is.
I’ve had multiple opportunities to share this miracle with others- including nursing staff, ICU staff, doctors, internist, and just the Average Joe at Wal-Mart.
God is so good and He is most definitely a man of His word.
Let’s talk about the scripture above- I go back to work on Tuesday and I’m a little anxious about it.  I had a neuro-cognitive test done about a week ago and did really well.  I’m having some minor short-term memory issues (more so than average people do) and some difficulty finding my words at times.  This is all normal and my brain will learn to‘re-route’ itself in due time.  It just may take 6 months.  Most of you know how patient I am, so you know I was ready for it to be back to ‘normal’ yesterday, well, last week.
I’ve been off work for the last almost 8 weeks so it’s a little intimidating to come back- full time.  If I attempted to do part time, I’d just wear myself out trying to cram an 8-hour day into 4 hours.  Also, I’ve been gone, stuff has happened that I haven’t been a part of and I’m sure that a little feeling of being ‘left out’ of the loop will happen.  I think I’m also nervous that I’ll get really tired, really fast and just not be able to keep up.  I also have this nightmare that my desk is covered with paper and the phone won’t stop ringing and I’m completely overwhelmed and have a meltdown at work.  Yeah, had that dream twice now.  Super fun.
I know that I work with the best people and I have a lot of support and understanding and I so appreciate that.
Truthfully, I don’t want to be babied or treated differently than I was before.
I will say this- it will be awesome to get through a workday with no pain!
I really can’t express how much I LOVE not being in the pain I was in before.  I get tension headaches from time to time because I haven’t quite gotten totally comfortable sleeping yet and I keep pinching a nerve in my neck- doc says that will eventually work itself out too and that it’s to be expected.
There are no words for how much better I feel, just all the time.  I get tired, but I’m not sick anymore and it’s amazing.  I don’t keep emergency meds on me anymore, I don’t take any kind of pain medicine anymore (except for the tension headaches occasionally) and I just overall feel better.
People keep telling me that I look different- not just the hair, but that my face just looks different.  I look relieved and relaxed, not like I’m masking how bad I really feel.  I say it’s because I got half a face-lift.  Seriously, when they stitched up the left side of my head, it felt like my braid was entirely too tight for about 3 weeks.  I can actually see a slight difference in the beginnings of crow’s feet around my eyes.  It’s less noticeable on the left side. Lol
During this time that I’ve had off, I’ve rested.  I’ve rested my body, my soul, and my mind.  It’s been great, but I’m so ready to get back into a regular routine with my job (I’ve really missed my job) and people.  I’ve spent time with my family, my dogs, and worked on my home some when I had the energy.  I’ve spent time with myself and a lot of time with God.  It’s been amazing.
I knew that this surgery would change a lot of things about my life, but I don’t think that I fully grasped what it would do for me until I began to heal.  I’ve watched God intervene and do incredible things in my world- even still.
I’ll save that for another blog post, but I wanted to update everyone.
To everyone that came by, sent cards, texted, brought meals, and just visited me- I’m overwhelmed with the amount of love that’s been poured out on me.  I wish I could give it back 1,000 fold because y’all surely deserve it.  I am so grateful to the people that God has placed in my life.  Know that you have been noticed and I’m thankful to have you part of my world.
Once I get back in the swing of things at work, I’ll start posting again on a more regular basis and let you in on some incredible things God is doing in my life.

May 23rd, 2014
There is no end to His good.  There’s just not.
Blessin’s Y’all!
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