Thursday, December 29, 2011

A Prisoner of Hope

"I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully
made; Marvelous are Your works,
And that my soul knows very well."

This is me.  My name is Pamela and most of you for the time being, actually know me.  And if you know me, you know there are many, sometimes quirky, facets to my personality.
I am fearfully and wonderfully made- the Word says so. 
I'm funny, I'm sassy, I love to talk, I'm a little hard-headed, and I don't take a lot of crap from people.  I've been known to share an opinion or two at times.  
I also have a big heart.  I can't help myself, I have a heart for people, even on days I don't want to, it's something that the Lord has given to me, probably because He has such a heart for people.  I am after all, made in His image
That's a reason why I've decided to write this blog, well that and because the Holy Spirit told me to.  He can be a pretty persuasive guy. 

It's called Beauty for Ashes because that's exactly what the Lord has done with my life.  I've experienced so much brokenness, betrayal, and pain in my life that at times its just been burned to a crisp.  There were times that were so dark in my life that I didn't think I'd ever see the light of another day again, much less something beautiful made out of my world.  But that's what my Father does.  That's how incredible He is.  He's able to take something that's worthless and turn it into something that's priceless.  Something so precious that He wants it for Himself.
He took a broken, hopeless being and turned her into an Precious Daughter of the Most High King.
That's who I am.

Because of my experiences, and the grace and undeniable mercy that has been shown me, I am a prisoner of hope.  In my distress, I've learned to praise Him, and through that, my hope is constantly renewed.  It is a hope that develops into a faith that sustains me when nothing else will.  My Father wants and has the absolute best things for me, and He's shown me that time and again... and His goodness never runs out.

I don't know what God's plans are for this blog, only that I'm supposed to write it.  My prayer is that you're blessed by it in whatever way you're needing at that particular moment.  I can't promise that you're always going to agree with what I write, but I can promise that I'll write what the Lord's laid on my heart. 

I also pray that you're able to find who you are in our Father.  There's more freedom than you've ever known in that knowledge.
Zechariah 9:12
"I am in God's stronghold of security and prosperity; I am a prisoner of hope; even today God declares that He will restore double my former prosperity!"


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