Friday, January 31, 2014

It’s Just A Little Crush, So What?!

Daniel Dae Kim & Wife
Hugh Jackman & Wife

We live in a super-sexualized society where we worship and even idolize beautiful people.  Sex is everywhere and we’ve become desensitized to it because it’s everywhere. It’s only natural that we develop little crushes on celebrities, right?

So I had an intriguing thought the other day while watching an episode of Hawaii Five-0.I love this show- it’s entertaining, has plenty of suspense, and let’s face it; all of the actors are attractive and endearing in some way.

I have a particular crush on Daniel Dae Kim.  So what’s wrong with having a little crush on some good-looking actor?  I’m not stalking him, I’m not spending hours fantasizing about him, so what’s the harm? I’d make little comments about how hot he was, how I’d have his baby if he’d give me 5 minutes (I’ve also said this about Hugh Jackman) and little thoughts like that would just creep in and come out of my mouth before I even realized what I was doing.

Let’s be realistic here, there’s little chance that I’d ever meet him, and if I did somehow get the chance to see him in person, I can almost guarantee there would be no baby-making going on.

I did however realize that I was beginning to feel a tinge of conviction (not condemnation) whenever I would pin his pictures or I would make a comment to myself while watching the show.  His wife came to mind.  I had done some research on him and realized that he’s married, and has been for quite some time.  By me lusting after him (to whatever ‘harmless’ degree it was), I was dishonoring his wife, his marriage, and the covenant he made with his wife.


So it got me to thinking.  I had a Pinterest Board titled: “I’d have your baby…” and it was full of pictures of men (& woman) that were attractive/beautiful, and even people that I admired.  I posted these pictures with no regard whatsoever to what God might think about my actions.

What if the celebrity (or stranger off the street for that matter), is not married- should you even worry about it?

Well, this is what God says:

“But I say, anyone who even looks at a woman (or man) with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” Matthew 5:28 NLT

It’s just a bad idea.  It may seem harmless and innocent because the odds of even having an opportunity to act on it are slim to none, but it does have real implications, even if they aren’t obvious.
I’ll give you an example:
I knew a woman who was infatuated with a famous musician and constantly posted pictures of him on Facebook, often in a provocative pose, and she’d even send them to her friends as a ‘pick me up’. Even when she was around her husband, she’d talk about how hot this guy was and what she’d do to him if she had the opportunity.  After a while, her husband began to hate this guy, hated just hearing the sound of his name, and would voice his opinions to his wife about his disdain for this guy.

He began to pull away from her intimately.

She couldn’t understand why and she came to me.
Now, I don’t proclaim to have any infinite wisdom here on marriage, but I do know a thing or two about how not to have a healthy marriage and have a little hard-earned wisdom on how to make different, better choices in the future.

She was frustrated with her husband for suddenly not wanting her anymore and even questioned his faithfulness to her.  I asked her to consider having the tables turned for a minute.

What if he was infatuated with a gorgeous celebrity? What if he talked about her the way she talked about this guy?  What if he spent hours looking at her pictures online and sharing them with his friends?  What if he did this right in front of her?  How would she feel?

Her answer was simple: “I’d feel like he wanted her more than he wanted me.  I’d feel like I couldn’t measure up to what he has built up as perfection in his mind. I’d feel like he was settling for me.”

Even Christians fall into this trap.  Pointing this out, is probably not going to make me popular, but I’ve never been one to set out to make new friends and influence people.

No condemnation here, but my goal is to challenge you to allow the Holy Spirit to reveal truth to you, and be open to hear what He might have to say.

Any time you allow your thoughts to rule you, you open the door for sin to enter.  It doesn’t have to be a famous person, it can be some guy in your office, or some woman you see at Starbuck’s every morning, it just has to be someone who is not your spouse.

Let me encourage you if you’re like me and felt that little ping of conviction: there’s grace for that.  God’s not punishing you for having those feelings and desires for someone, but He does want you to take authority over your thoughts and not give the enemy any legal access to the door of sexual sins.

He wants you to live a life of freedom and that always starts with what you allow into your mind, which makes its way into your heart. Want to know what’s in your heart? Listen more carefully to what you’re speaking.

Matthew 12:34 says that from the abundance of

the heart, the mouth speaks.

I was convicted, that doesn’t mean that you will or should be, but it is actually an answer to prayer for something I had asked God at the beginning of the year: to expand my territory, take me even deeper into intimacy with Him, and allow me to be more sensitive to what the Holy Spirit is saying.

That’s happening.  I asked that because I wanted to grow.  I don’t ever want to be content in my walk with God, I want to be stretched and used to the full capacity that He will use me.
This just happens to be an area that He is stretching and challenging me in right now.

Now, I’m asking you to be challenged; trust God enough to ask to be stretched, to help you grow, and to be make you more sensitive to the Holy Spirit.

Blessin’s Y’all!

Pamela Hill

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Daniel's pic was found here.

Hugh's pic was found here.