Monday, August 27, 2012

Trust You? Seriously??

Proverbs 3:5 (NLT)
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart;
do not depend on your own understanding.

So explain something to me, Father.  Why would I trust you with something so delicate and close to my heart as this burden that I carry regarding financial struggle, when clearly You’ve always, always taken care of me?  Why would I trust you when You’ve never, not one time failed me?  Why would I listen to your still small voice telling me to trust You when I have my own wisdom and understanding to lean on?

Oh, that’s right… cause I don’t know jack. 

You, however, are full of infinite wisdom and understanding and you have knowledge of things I’ve yet to dream of.

See, I’m struggling today with trust.  And when I don’t trust my Father to take care of me when He promises that He’ll never forsake me, I rob myself.

I have to go to court to take care of something that is very personal to me.  No need to get into details here, but it’s a painful ordeal for me.  It’s unjust and unfair, and the odds are not in my favor as the world may see it.  That’s the attitude that I had this morning as I was gathering supporting evidence (which isn’t much) for my side of the case.  It was nothing less than discouraging and forced me to pour over angry and bitter emails duking it out between the two of us over who was right and who was not.  At lunchtime, I’d had enough and I went to my Father and poured my angry soul out to Him.  Then I had to shut up and listen.  This is what the Holy Spirit said to me…

Every time you don’t trust Me, your Father, you take away an opportunity for me to pleasantly surprise you.  By you not trusting Me, you show Me an attitude of ungratefulness for the times that you have trusted Me.  You believe that I am a liar when I say that I will take care of you.  When you don’t trust Me, you rob yourself of the precious gifts that I have only for you.  When you don’t trust Me, you show me that you believe that you know better than I do, that your judgment is more sound than My own.  You know more than I, the Creator, and Master of the Universe about the things that affect your past, present, and future.  I tell you My precious one, to NOT lean on your own understanding, that your thoughts are not my thoughts, and that My love and provisions for you are limitless.  See, while you only know what is happening right in front of your face right this very moment, I know the things that you do not. Nothing is hidden from Me.  What you fail to see is I have already gone before you and prepared a way for you.

One thing I know for sure is that He is right and I am not.  I don’t need to understand.  I don’t need to know what’s going to happen when this is all over with.  All I need to know is that I can trust my Father. 

Satan is the author of confusion, distress, and chaos.  He’s certainly been working on this for a while and creating havoc anywhere this is concerned.

I know that my Father has gone before me, I know that no matter what my outcome may be, He’s already taken care of it.  He’s already made provision where it is needed; He’s already given me favor where it is needed; and He’s already ministered in ways that I know nothing of.

I trust Him.  His infinite knowledge and wisdom and not to mention power, is far greater than my own. 

My prayer is simply this:  That He would change my heart to be a reflection of His.  Even when I have to face my enemies (and He says that I will), that He would give me the ability to love them the way that He does, even when they don’t deserve it.  I certainly didn’t.  We ALL fall short, but His love is wide enough, deep enough, and eager enough to cover it all.  We are His beloved, even when we don’t act like it.

I know that for some of you may feel like what the Holy Spirit said was a little harsh, but I believe it to be nothing more than the truth- and I felt so loved and cared for while He spoke to me.  Why?  Because He’s the best parent, and that’s what great parents do for their children.  They guide them, and sometimes, they point out the ugly in our attitudes, but they love us in spite of ourselves. 

Let me encourage you, if you’re struggling with trust- and I do on a constant basis, ask the Father to reveal His truth to you.

If you can’t trust Him to handle your life, then why follow Him at all?